These days, the world is your workplace, or at least it can be. Global communications and Internet connectivity have turned geographic distance from a deal-breaker into a trivial consideration. Now you can hire the best of the best, no matter where they live, permitting you to enjoy top-level talent without necessarily paying top-level rates. You’ll also find it easier than ever to set up branch offices in other countries, centralizing operations in the cloud instead of setting up multiple data centers across the globe. There’s just one more piece you need to add to the puzzle: an IT helpdesk that can meet the needs of your global enterprise and/or workforce.

An international team means an asynchronous work schedule. While your local employees are having lunch, your workers on the other side of the world may be in bed asleep, and vice versa. To keep all these employees working productively on their respective schedules, you need to engage an IT helpdesk that can address low-level help tickets as soon as they come in, even when multiple time zones are involved.
An asynchronous schedule may also affect your ability to keep your international teams on the same page. For instance, workers who couldn’t participate in a video meeting can still view a recording of that meeting – unless, of course, they run into access problems or other technical glitches. Your global workers may also find themselves relying on other sophisticated programs and network tools, some of which may be quite new to them or offer particularly tricky user challenges. You’ll want an outsourced IT helpdesk ready to straighten out these issues.
Do you plan to go global, either in your workforce or in your business reach? If so, contact Gravity Helpdesk today to learn more about the many ways we can help your business thrive!