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  • Writer's pictureNisarg Naik

Do Your Techs Need a Vacation? Outsourcing Can Make It Happen

Everybody needs a vacation now and then. No matter what you do for a living, no matter what time of year it is, the occasional rest can do wonders for your physical, mental, and emotional welfare. It’s not just a desirable option – it’s a necessity, both for you and for the technicians who put in so many hard hours at your organization.

Consider this: a work schedule of more than 55 hours a week boosts heart attack risk by 17 percent and stroke risk by a staggering 35 percent. Even so, about one-quarter of U.S. workers have never taken a standard two-week vacation, and many planned vacations were either shortened or canceled over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Vacations support better heart health and more normal blood pressure while lowering diabetes risks. At the same time, a break from stress can seriously boost your IT team’s brainpower, permitting them to do their jobs with greater focus and flexibility on their return.

The question is, can you spare those technicians long enough to give them the time off they do seriously need and deserve? If you outsource your IT helpdesk, the answer to that question just might be “yes.” After all, much of the day-to-day effort your technicians expend probably goes into resolving low-level, routine help requests. If you outsource those day-to-day tasks to an outsourced IT helpdesk provider, you can take many hours of labor off your technicians’ plate – enough to allow for staggered scheduling of legitimate, full-length vacations.

If you want to keep your technical crew happy, healthy, and productive, contact Gravity Gravity Helpdesk. We can serve as a supplement to your current team or even take over your low-level helpdesk jobs entirely. Who knows, you might even find time to go hit the beach yourself!


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