Inflation seems to be the word of the day. The U.S. is currently experiencing its worst struggle with inflation in four decades. Prices are up, consumption is down, and workers are demanding higher wages to cope with rising costs. These factors can affect all aspects of your business, including your ability to maintain the necessary technical support for clients and employees.

The first half of 2022 saw an impressive rise in IT workers’ earnings. The median national IT salary went up almost three percent, from $94,729 to $97,872. The combination of greater demands and shrinking revenues can leave any business feeling the pinch. Of course, enterprises can respond by freezing their IT hiring, but this strategy can leave them grossly unprepared when the remaining (overworked) IT workers depart for greener pastures. Or they can reduce the size of their IT department, which may imperil the team’s ability to handle routine tech challenges.
If both of those options probably sound like a no-go to you, consider outsourcing portions of your IT workload, including your low-level helpdesk tasks. Ask yourself whether you could retain your current complement of in-house IT workers, or perhaps even do with fewer workers, once those time-consuming help tickets are being addressed by a third party. Even with the occasional help ticket escalation, your core team can stay on top of their work with ease. This simple step could eliminate the need to add, not just high salaries, but also pricey benefits packages to your current operating budget.
Gravity Helpdesk could turn out to be just what the doctor (or accountant) ordered during a difficult time. Our offshore technicians can deliver the quality of services you need at a fraction of the price an in-house team would cost. Contact us today to discuss this potential inflation buster!